Spring 2025 Evaluations
Please see the very important information below regarding player evaluations being held February 15 and February 22. All Machine Pitch + Minors players should attend. This enables us

Dick’s Sporting Goods Coupon
Dilworth Little League Dick’s Sporting Goods 20% off Offers valid 2/14/2025 – 2/17/2025 https://cmm.dickssportinggoods.com/crmcdn/getoffer.aspx?offer_entity_code=O241DTFH&token=HS1I3nQ9rRqHsnFk5B2TjI9LngXhNGKhVdJjJsOdlP-4e2ok6XtUOXhjoB0WWh3qsusGpFnOC0hu7jwoBsxujw2

This is the home of the Dilworth Little League and the Dilworth Senior League. Since 1951 the Dilworth Youth Sports Association (DYSA) has been Charlotte, North Carolina’s premier recreational youth baseball organization. We offer baseball for players between the ages of 4 and 18. For players in the age group 4 to 12 we offer Little League baseball and for players between the ages of 13 and 18 we offer Senior League baseball.

If you’re unsure of your child’s “League Age”, please visit Little League’s Age Calculator for more information.
Players are eligible to play in Dilworth if they live inside the league boundary OR if they attend an elementary, middle or high school that sits within the league boundary.

Spring 2025 Evaluations
Please see the very important information below regarding player evaluations being held February 15 and

Dick’s Sporting Goods Coupon
Dilworth Little League Dick’s Sporting Goods 20% off Offers valid 2/14/2025 – 2/17/2025 https://cmm.dickssportinggoods.com/crmcdn/getoffer.aspx?offer_entity_code=O241DTFH&token=HS1I3nQ9rRqHsnFk5B2TjI9LngXhNGKhVdJjJsOdlP-4e2ok6XtUOXhjoB0WWh3qsusGpFnOC0hu7jwoBsxujw2

Tournament of Champions June 7-10
8’s SAT 9A KC vs. Coul Oak + 1P KC vs. Lake Norman 1 SUN

Closing Ceremonies June 1st, 2024
Join us for the Dilworth Little League Closing Ceremonies on June 1st, 2024! The festivities