Dilworth Little League

Spring 2025 Evaluations


Please see the very important information below regarding player evaluations being held February 15 and February 22.

All Machine Pitch + Minors players should attend. This enables us to evenly place players to create competitively balanced teams.

Evaluations will be held at Freedom Park Field 2.

We are assigning all players to a specific evaluation session. This ensures we have balanced group sizes with appropriate ages so we can complete the evaluation sessions efficiently. We ask for your cooperation that you attend your assigned group. If you have an unavoidable conflict, please contact the Player Agent at the email address below to reschedule. Please do not show up for another session without approval. If you cannot attend any of the sessions, there is no makeup. Your player will still be placed on a team.

Please arrive 15 minutes early to get your player checked in at the concession stand. You will be given information regarding the evaluation.
Each session should take about 60 minutes. Players should wear baseball practice clothing and must have a glove. Having your own helmet and bat is preferred but not required.

In case of rain, check the league’s website at www.dilworthll.org for status and makeup details.

Please email playeragent@dilworthll.org with any questions.